The Funeral

April 14, 1884

       Molly's funeral was today. Even though there was no body to cremate, Mother purchased an urn anyway. But she did not stop there. No, Mother pulled out all the stops and probably whittled away a good portion of the money Father left her in his will. What would have been Molly's and my inheritance if Mother would ever die. Of course, through her connections in the City Council, she probably has the Department of Development working on a mechanical body for her. So she'll live forever.
       Anyhow, Mother followed the old funeral customs to the letter. She had a procession of black carriages tour the city. Or, at least, that's what she told me she did since I did not join her. I met her and the other mourners--assuming they cared for my sister at all--at the cemetery. Odds are, though, many of them were merely there so that they could enjoy the post-funeral feast at Mother's house. Again, another proceeding I did not attend since Molly is not actually dead.
       I did meet at least one genuine mourner at the funeral:  Dr. Everard. Dr. Everard works in the Department of Energy building, same as Molly and me. He was the last person to see her alive. I asked him about it, but, other than that Molly seemed in a great hurry, he wasn't very informative. Still, it was quite touching of him to pay his respects.
       However, the most... interesting part of the funeral was after the crowd of mourners had dispersed. I met a member of the Family.
       If Father were alive to hear this, I'm sure I would get a lashing hard enough to warrant my own funeral. Father was a strict believer in Terne's law and order, and he despised criminal activity in all forms. He'd often say things like "I didn't raise any child of mine to know life!" or "Stokers are not lurkers!" when I came home from playing with my schoolmates, as if I'd learn the ways of a criminal from them. But I digress.
       I've never met a member of the Family before today, but I had never pictured one to look... like Eli. Or that was what he told me to call him. Eli is a peculiar man, to say the least. With a periscopic eye and a brass vest. More than that, though, is his unshaven face, copper teeth, and rotten breath. Once you become a criminal, do you no longer care about hygiene?
       Poor hygiene aside, I think Eli could actually help me find Molly. He told me the Family knows the Silver Train's the cause. Not just for my sister's disappearance but for all the rest as well. He said I need to search Molly's apartment for the letter she received from the Conductor and then go to 22 on Mercury Lane.
       I know it's close to curfew. The police will start patrolling the streets while repairs are made to the dome and the pipes that weave throughout the city. If I am not back to my apartment by 11, I could be arrested and sentenced to some prison time. That is, if I get caught. While repairs are underway, most of the dome's industrial lights will be down, giving me some cover of darkness. But still, this is quite a risk... I might lose my job in addition to prison time if I'm unlucky with the sentencing judge...
       Still, I can't stand by and do nothing. This could be my only chance to help Molly. So, I will search her apartment. And I will consort with the likes of the Family. I just hope this doesn't end up being a deal with the devil.

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